Our Super Bowl 2011 Car Commercial Pick
Tuesday, February 8th 2011

Now for On Screen Car's Super Bowl 2011 Car Commercial Top Pick. The winner is: Miss Evelyn Chevrolet Camaro! Ok, we like a lot of the super bowl commercials this year. However they just were not as funny or clever as usual. But of the car commercials we liked this one the best. We felt it was the most original of the car commercials shown. It does leave you wondering a little bit. What does this have to do with the Super Bowl? Well it really doesn't.
It's just two guys talking about making a good car commercial. Choosing the car, the scene and the driver. Car chase, followed by the lady driving it off a building (a little odd). But all ends well. The driver turns out to be a teacher. All teachers should drive Camaros right? Throw in the specs for the SS model at the end. Leaving me with the words of Tim the Tool Man Taylor, araff araff araff (however ya spell it) more power!. Count'm 426 horses! There ya have it our pick of the bowl.
Categories: Commercials