Simpsons - Maximum Homerdrive
Saturday, April 6th 2024

Homer Simpson is a man of many talents. No that's not right. Homer Simpson is a man of many hats? True, Homer has done just about every job imaginable, a jack of all trades so to speak. But did you know he was once a truck driver? Well he was! Way back in episode 17 of season 10, Home drives a big rig called "The Red Rascal." We thought we would celebrate this one episode wonder.

Looking from the side, the Red Rascal bares resemblance of a late 90's Freightliner front end with a Mack cab. It's not uncommon to see this an animation. Resemblance to anything real life is just a mark of artist inspiration. On side you can see a nifty logo for the trucking company. A pinup girl with a confederate flag one-piece swimsuit posing with a cartoon wolf. You may remember a similar wolf in older Looney Toons cartoons.

Here's a little background on the episode. Homer finds himself pitted against a truck driver in a showdown steak eating contest. His rival, Red Barclay wins the contest only to die shortly after. In honor of Red, Homer takes its to the road in The Red Rasel to complete Red's final haul. Meanwhile Marge and Lisa have a unrelated adventure of their own. Here we can see Barclay's operators license under the visor. Rest in peace Red. Here's to the hero we didn't know we needed.

Toward the end of the episode Homer falls asleep at the wheel and rescued by this little gadget called the "Navitron Auto-Drive System." Apparently in the Simspsons world, every truck has auto pilot. But it's a trucker's best kept secret, at least until Homer spills the beans. As one trucker says "..with this baby driving your truck. You just have to sit back and watch your ass grow." I'll take their word for it. Say, is this another example of how the Simpsons predicts the future?

Homer and Bart end up getting a lot of valuable bonding in episode. Activities ranging from fishing to enjoying a truck stop meal. I won't spoil the whole episode for you.

But let's just say. It's pretty good. Oh remember Marge and Lisa's adventure. Here's a little tease of another On Screen Car for ya. Till next time, keep on truck'n!
Categories: The Simpsons