Monday, February 20th 2012
Hot Wheels has some interesting new die-cast collectables out now for us On Screen Car fans. These are not your average 99 cent Hot Wheels cars. They are certainly not toys. The Elite Series provides collector consumers with high-end premium 1:18 and 1:43 scale replicas of famous cars. These cars have real synthetic rubber tires, authentic graphics high quality paint/finishes, moving steering wheels, working seat belt and opening doors/hoods/trunk. Engine compartments are fully detailed as well. A high level of care is taken into consideration for not only the customer but the brands and franchisees the models represent.
On Screen Car fans will especially love Elite's latest releases. The Cult Classic Collection features cars from popular TV shows and Movies. Currently available are the Ghostbusters ECTO-1 and the A-Team Van. Both are available as 1:18 and 1:43 scale die-cats. According to their site we have a lot more to see from this collection. Vehicles including the Bat Pod, Ghostbusters ETCO-1A and Knight Rider's K.I.T.T. Can't find these in stores? Look no further than Amazon for great deals on these masterpieces.
Categories: A-Team, Collectables, Ghostbusters
Tags: 2012, black, white
Sunday, February 20th 2011
Artist Brandon Ortwein asked the question: What if famous TV/Movie cars were sent to the body shop and returned with the wrong parts? Say for example Doc Brown sends his Delorean to the shop and it was returned with a door off the Dukes of Hazzard General Lee? The end result is hilarious. Brandon has created several of these scenarios in his works on this theme. You can checkout some of them below.

Doc Brown: Great Scott! The south must have raised again!
Marty McFly: This is heavy Doc, they must have mistaken us for the Good Ole Boys.
Mr. T: I pitty the foo that thinks we're the Scooby Doo Detective Agency.
Waylon Jennings: Well now it look's like the boys are making a statement: 'They an't afraid of no ghost.'
Which is worse a droid being more than meets the eye or an autobot being part droid?
You can also find more of Brandon's work on Flickr. If you would like to own or wear his designs you can find them on society6. Hopefully we'll see more of his work to come in the future. Till next time, be sure check with your body shop before picking up your On Screen Cars!
Categories: A-Team, Art, Back to the Future, Dukes of Hazzard, Ghostbusters, Transformers
Tags: art, t-shirts
Friday, April 16th 2010
By now I'm sure you've read or seen previews about the new up coming A-Team movie. It's an awesome tribute/remake of a great 1980s show. If this is new news, don't worry. I've embedded the trailer at the bottom of this post. If you've seen trailer, did you noticed anything interesting about the new van? I found some photos of the van on the set. I studied them over and thought I would share them with you.
Time for Change?
Right away I didn't notice anything. But after looking it over a few times. A few things start to stick out. But the changes are a good thing. Matter of fact, we think they're freck'n awesome! But the changes do stand out from the original van. To set the record straight, I want to start off by saying this is not the same year of GMC Vandura used in the series. But that's not a bad thing. You'll see.
The Changes Arn't Bad
From the side you can see some differences in the way the red stripe is done. Note the side ground effects / side steps have been traded out for side exhaust pipes (very manly I might add). The wheels are solid black. Close up photos on AutoBlog and Jalopnik reveal that they're not even the same style as the original. You can see the bling chrome tow hooks and winch from miles away. Front license plate? I pity the fool who.... you get the idea. The front fog lamps on the grill bar are different shapes. The new van has an updated grill as well.
Final Thoughts
But at the end of the day. It's the same concept, just slightly updated. I'm glad they didn't move away from using the same make and model of van. I couldn't imagine anything built in the last thirty years that could replace the A-Team van. One question I have is. Would I go as far as to say this design is "retro." Well that's debatable. What are your thoughts? Comment and let us know how you feel about the new A-Team van. We'll be working on our next On Screen Cars post. See ya then.
Categories: A-Team
Tags: a-team, black, gmc, red, van