Chicago - Stay The Night - 1968 442 Oldsmobile
Friday, June 11th 2010
So what does the Olds 442 and the band Chicago have in common? One wicked music video! Ah the 80's. Music videos of the time may have been much simpler compared to the high production videos of today. But a lot of them have something modern music videos often lack, vintage muscle cars! This early 80's video from Chicago is no exception! In the video a guy trying to convince this girl to stay the night. She finds him disrespectful and runs off in the 442 (we're not clear if it's his or hers). Grab'n gears and burning rubber, she manages to jump a car hauler twice while being chased by the dude on the back of a Ford F100. Apparently he still doesn't get the message and jumps onto the hood. She tries to throw him off by doing donuts.
Amazing car, amazing video. Not to mention awesome stunt work. From what we've gathered the gal in the video is stunt driver Debbie Evans. She's known for her work in the Fast and the Furious, Matrix and other popular films and tv shows. Watch the video closely. You will notice that two 442s may have been used. Some note the differences in the dash shots. Some note that there was a 4-Speed car and an automatic car. We're still looking. Comment and tell us what you saw! Till next time keep those wheels safely rolling!

Categories: Music Video
Tags: black, music, oldsmobile, red, video