Fan Created Rides - Putsch Racing - Jet Turbine Powered Batmobile
Sunday, July 17th 2011

It's not everyday that someone can turn science fiction into reality. That's exactly what Casey Putsch of Putsch Racing in Dublin, Ohio did. When he merged a 1989 Batmobile replica with a turbine engine. Something that even Hollywood didn't attempt to do. Not only did he successfully merged the two, but it's functional. Not to mention street legal at that! Casey just 29 years of age is a 2005 graduate of Ohio State in fine arts, aspires to be a race car driver. However he isn't able to move forward without additional sponsorship. Looking to prove to the world his talent, Casey set out to build this car. How did he do it?

The power plant is a military spec jet turbine engine from drone helicopter built by Boeing. Casey self taught, rebuilt the engine and fabricated the parts to make it work in a car. What's even more amazing is the fact the car works just as normal street car. The power is transferred directly from the engine through a semi-automatic gear box to the rear wheels. What's it run on? According to the YouTube video it runs on kerosene, diesel, or jet fuel. Nice to know you can pull this thing in to just about any gas station and find something to run it on (minus the jet fuel). If you watch the videos closely notice Casey is wearing ear protection. This thing is loud!

Looking over the pictures and a YouTube video you can see how cleanly Casey put this package together. It all looks stock and straight-out of the movie. There are a lot of neat buttons to control the engine and other car functions. Including the guns that popup out of the fenders. There are a wealth of gauges to monitor engine stats. I would imagine the iPad may have some additional monitoring apps on it, plus something to take notes. If nothing else it looks really cool with the Wayne logo. Time to build was five months. I could imagine that being very intensive. Jet engines aren't exactly easy to work on.

Since construction was completed (June 2011) Casey has already won several awards at the very prestigious Ault Park Concours de Elegance in Cincinnati, Ohio. This car competed against some of the most valuable cars in history. An amazing story. Casey was very prompt and was happy to grant us permission to run this article. We wish the very best for Casey and Putsch Racing. We hope he get's to live his dream of being a driver. You sure have wowed us all. Readers see ya next time, same time same channel!
Find out more at: Putsch Racing
Categories: Batman, Fan Created Rides