A-Team 2010 - GMC Vandura Van - On The Set
Friday, April 16th 2010

By now I'm sure you've read or seen previews about the new up coming A-Team movie. It's an awesome tribute/remake of a great 1980s show. If this is new news, don't worry. I've embedded the trailer at the bottom of this post. If you've seen trailer, did you noticed anything interesting about the new van? I found some photos of the van on the set. I studied them over and thought I would share them with you.
Time for Change?Right away I didn't notice anything. But after looking it over a few times. A few things start to stick out. But the changes are a good thing. Matter of fact, we think they're freck'n awesome! But the changes do stand out from the original van. To set the record straight, I want to start off by saying this is not the same year of GMC Vandura used in the series. But that's not a bad thing. You'll see.

From the side you can see some differences in the way the red stripe is done. Note the side ground effects / side steps have been traded out for side exhaust pipes (very manly I might add). The wheels are solid black. Close up photos on AutoBlog and Jalopnik reveal that they're not even the same style as the original. You can see the bling chrome tow hooks and winch from miles away. Front license plate? I pity the fool who.... you get the idea. The front fog lamps on the grill bar are different shapes. The new van has an updated grill as well.

But at the end of the day. It's the same concept, just slightly updated. I'm glad they didn't move away from using the same make and model of van. I couldn't imagine anything built in the last thirty years that could replace the A-Team van. One question I have is. Would I go as far as to say this design is "retro." Well that's debatable. What are your thoughts? Comment and let us know how you feel about the new A-Team van. We'll be working on our next On Screen Cars post. See ya then.
Categories: A-Team