1981 DeLorean DMC-12 - Irish Roots
Monday, March 17th 2014

Categories: 1981 DeLorean DMC-12, Back to the Future
Monday, March 17th 2014
Categories: 1981 DeLorean DMC-12, Back to the Future
Friday, March 14th 2014
It's been said that "Life imitates art far more than art imitates Life" (Oscar Wilde). But what happens when art imitates' life more? I think that's where Two-Lane Blacktop fan Dave Smolski comes in. The other day I was browsing the Model Car group on Facebook and came across the model above. I had to stand back a moment and ask myself "Is that a real car or just a model?" Scary realism right? I contacted Dave on Facebook to ask if I could post this up for our readers to see. I was met with great enthusiastic. Not only did Dave share his great model. But he gave me some create photos of the build, a video (below) and some of the reference pictures. Dave says it started out as a diecast by Ertl that was completely disassembled, re-engineered and detailed. There are scratch built parts, like the headers made from Romex wire. There are also lots of parts that were modified from other sources, like the seats, tires, wheels, floor jack, etc. Let's check them out.
I really like the level of detail Dave went to on the trunk. Just like in the movie the trunk lid simply lifts off. It's common for race car builders to have the trunk lift off to save weight (less hinges etc). I can say I've personally have lifted (with help) the trunk lid off a stock tri-five. They an't light. I would hope in the movie it was fiberglass. Dave mentions that in his video above that it's possible it was made of fiberglass. But notice the properly branded battery mounted in the trunk along with tools, car jack and slicks. Firestone tires. The tool box is custom built to match the one in the movie. Even down to the brand. Slightly rusted bumper. Just like in the movie.
Now we're looking above from over the engine compartment with the hood-flipped forward. You can see the power-house 454 Chevy Big Block front and center. Dual quads on the top with a tunnel ram intake. I like the detail of the headers flowing under the firewall. The plug-wires are poring out over the engine and all neatly routed to the plugs.
Close shot from the passenger side. You can see the working doors and door jams. I really like the weathering work on the primer like paint coat. Not to mention the sweet sliding windows. Just like in the movie.
Another shot from the side looking into the interior of the model car. Dave spent a lot of time on the seat belts. Note the realistic carpet covering floor-boards. You can also see the header collector in this view as well.
Here's a build shot. Doesn't it remind you of someone working in their garage on the real thing? Almost forgot. Be sure to watch the video above for the full experience with diorama! Amazing detail and realism. I would like to thank Dave for sharing. You can see more photos on his Photo Bucket. If you have an On Screen Car related project you would like to share. Shoot us email via our contact page! Color Me Gone!
Categories: 1955 Chevrolet, Two-Lane Blacktop
Monday, March 3rd 2014
Well I believe Franks' car represents his life as a single man. Frank in the movie is newly married. He's having a hard time adjusting to married life. They're getting settled in and they have a house. Which by the way is a real house. I found a interesting site that has the filming location info. But anyways that's where the car kinda comes in. He's got it out in the drive way working on it. Then here comes the BS! I love it though! His wife comes out to see what he's doing. The car is smoking and making some rough noises.
He says "I took the restrictor plate off to give the red dragon a little more juice, but keep that on the down low, she's not exactly street legal." Hold on. Restrictor plate? Isn't that something they used in NASCAR? Yep you bet ya. Restrictor plates were installed on carburetors on NASCAR race cars to help hold the car back from achieving unsafe speeds thus reducing crashes. Frank I'm sorry I don't think your car has a restrictor plate.
But it makes a great line for car guys to laugh about. You can watch the whole scene in the clip above. Gotta love hearing Whitesnake in the background. But outside of all that Frank's car is just another F-Body. By the way. Frank isn't the only guy to call his Trans Am a Red Dragon. The Red Dragon BS makes for a great story. It makes it feel real. If you haven't seen Old School I would advise to pick it up on Amazon. Old School [Blu-ray] It is hilarious! So next time you're out with your buddies in the shop tell'm "Hey I'm gonna take the restrictor plate off, you with me?" Till then. Drive safe and sober! Bye!
Categories: Movies
Wednesday, February 26th 2014
I didn't even know the Evo was on the sale list. It was Wednesday night about dinner time. I saw the car and knowing my sons very much admired Paul Walker and that we could give back to the community, just like Paul did, I bid on it and got the car.Above is a quote from Rob Leipziger, car collector from Bucks County. He said saw the car had went up for sales just before dinner one night recently. Rob remembered how much his own son admired the car and Walker. He wanted to purchase the car to honor his memory. As you remember the car was used in the second installment of the film in 2003. At the time of production the car wasn't available in the states. It had been imported from Japan. This car is one of four cars used in the film. This car was also featured on the cover a book entitled How To Build the Cars of The Fast and the Furious (Motorbooks Workshop)
Paul Walker is a hero to many kids today. He drove fast and hard in his movies. The kids today are into these types of cars. He is their hero like Ronnie Sox and Bill Jenkins are mine. Paul's movies are really popular and I figured we could give back to the community like Paul did, if I bought the car.
Categories: Fast and the Furious Franchise
Tags: 2014, actor, green, mitsubishi
Monday, February 24th 2014
Categories: Ghostbusters