eBay Finds - The Bucket List - 1970 Dodge Challenger R/T
Wednesday, September 29th 2010

Wouldn't you like to own a tv/movie car? How about a car used in actual hollywood production? With luck you may be able to find one on eBay. This week's eBay find is a 1970 Dodge Challenger used in the movie The Bucket List. A movie about two older guys who have little time to waste. The guys met while in the hospital. Where they're given the bad news that they have little time left on earth. Together they decide to share their wealth and do all the things they've always dreamed of. One of those things on the list was drive race cars. This is where this sweet Challenger pops onto the scene.

According to the auction information this car was used in more than just The Bucket List. It was also used in an episode of the hit show NCIS. Not to mention a role in the 2010 movie The Runaways. An exciting career for a single car isn't it? Not to mention the mileage is only a little over 60,000 on the clock. Picture Car Warehouse has provided a Certificate of Authenticity and back that it's real. All looks good here. However it doesn't pack the muscle it advertises on the hood. Sorry there isn't 426 Hemi under there. But at least the seller is up front and honest about it. But what you do see is a reasonable powered 318 Mopar V8. All in all it looks like a clean car.

You can see more about this car on eBay. So what do you think about this post? Is eBay Finds a great idea for a new segment on our blog? Let us know what you think in the comments. Till next time, live like there is no tomorrow!
Categories: eBay Finds