Movie Posters - Bullitt
Monday, February 24th 2014
It's amazing how many different movie posters for a single movie are created. Between multiple taglines, releases, and languages. It's no wonder there are so many posters. The ionic 1968 cult-classic Bullitt starting legendary Steve McQueen is no exception.

The poster featured above is the most popular poster for the film. The current DVD release (Amazon) uses the poster for the cover. This work of art was created by famous french artist Michel Landi. Landi was known in France and abroad for his work on movie posters. He was known to work in with thick oil in long strokes of color. This poster however varies a lot from his regular work. Notice the white background with little color. However this poster is considered the high-point of his career. The 1960's were a point of change in the movie poster industry. Photography and offset printing would soon replace lithograph artist like Landi. Which is such a shame. The posters of the time were timeless. Take a moment to see the difference between all of these posters. Very interesting stuff! Below are some of the other great posters of the film. We'll catch ya next time on On Screen Cars!

Categories: Movie Posters