Fan Created Art - Egocenter's 80's Highway
Tuesday, September 11th 2012
Guys we're back. Been a while since we've last posted. Life got really busy with moving and stuff. But now it's fall. Retreating indoors to begin enjoying some of our winter hobbies. Got a few things already lined up and planned. But to start us off. I was browsing around some of the art work posted on and came across the image below. I thought this would be a perfect addition to our Fan Created Art section.

I just love how this artist really captured all of the popular great On Screen Cars of the day. You've got the Delorean from the second BTTF film hovering above. Next is the Dukes of Hazzard General Lee in mid-air (awesome!). Down below you've got Optimus Prime leading the pack slightly. Let's not forget KITT and Ecto 1. Gotta love this cartoon style artwork. Looks totally like something off of 80's Saturday mornings. Hint the name "80's Highway." He's to you Egocenter on deviantart!
Categories: Art, Back to the Future, Dukes of Hazzard, Ghostbusters, Knight Rider, Transformers
Tags: 2012-deviantart