eBay Find - Fan Created Rides - Ghostbusters ECTO-1C - 1991 Chevrolet Caprice Wagon
Friday, October 21st 2011

Thinking about getting into Ghostbust'n? Well there's no better way to break into the hobby than with a Fan Created Ride. Which not to mention happens to be on eBay! That's right the Twin Cities Ghostbusters have decided to retire their 1991 Chevrolet Caprice Wagon known as ECTO-1C. The crew put this tribute together in 1991 to serve as their Ghostbust'n rig. Since then it has been featured in a number of parades and events. But the best is yet to come. Yes believe it or not this is an OnScreenCar! The Twin Cities Ghostbusters have their own successful web series called Ghostbust'n 911. The series inspired by the show COPS gives viewers a first hand view of the art of dealing with the unwanted paranormal pest. On to the car!

This cruiser has approx 125k miles on it. Under the hood rest the Chevrolet 5.0-305 V8 (L03). Engine runs well and is reliable. The hood itself has been graced with the signatures of Ernie Hudson and Dan Aykroyd, two of the original Ghostbusters. The roof its loaded with a heavy duty rack with all the equipment needed for bust'n. Not to mention two large LED ticker panels just like that of the ECTO-1A. Note that most of the design is based from the ECTO-1A. Impress your friends with the light bars by remotely activating them with a keyfob (very neat). Behind the rear seat is a custom built rack for storing your proton packs. Everything is constructed in such a way that there are no concerns about stuff falling off at highway speed. The push bar guard on the front may come in handy was well.
At the time of this writing the car has 4 days remaining with a current bid of $1050 with a reserve. I hope to see someone take this machine home. I'm sure it will be a hit for Halloween! Heck why not at you're local Christmas parade too? Till next time, remember We're Ready to Believe You!
Categories: eBay Finds, Fan Created Rides