Wagon Queen Family Truckster - LEGO
Wednesday, November 21st 2012

"Now, I owe it to myself to tell you that if you're taking the whole tribe cross-country, the Wagon Queen Family Truckster..." Ah the Family Truckster. The official vehicle of the Griswold Family Vacation. "Believe me if you hate it now... Wait till you drive it." Just a ton of great lines in that film. I stumped across this entry on one of my favorite LEGO blogs and knew it was On Screen Cars material. Flickr user -derjoe- did a great job of not only capturing the family, but the ride as well. Obviously this scene is after Aunt Edna passed away. Note that she's on top. Many extras on the car. Not to mention the quad headlights, the roof rack and the brown brick representing the simulated woodgrain panels. It's all 80's here folks. Besure to check out some of their other creations on Flickr. Who's the Moosiest Moose We Know?... ah here I go again. See ya folks.
Categories: Art, National Lampoon's