Fan Created Art - The Munsters - LEGO Hot Rod Creations - Orion Pax
Friday, April 13th 2012

You remember our post on the Custom Ford Model T Munster Koach a while back. Ah yes that fine George Barris created automobile built for the head of the Munster family. Well this morning I stumbled upon a LEGO creation of the not only the Munster Koach but Grandpa's dragster, Dragula. Flickr member Orion Pax is well known for his LEGO creations of 80's pop culture (Transformers, M.A.S.K., Ghostbusters, Back to the Future etc.) He's recreated many On Screen Cars as well. But it looks like he's given us a real treat from the 60's this time. Check out the whole scene with the house below.

Categories: Art, George Barris, The Munsters